Happy Easter!! I woke up bright and early on Easter Sunday to Cora saying "Happy Easer Daddy!" He had gone to get her out of her crib and that was the first thing out of her mouth. I had no idea that our 21 month old would be speaking in full sentences! She is incredible. The Easter Bunny was very good to Miss Cora this Easter, she got a little flower shop, a flower shaped sprinkler for her backyard playground, and a basket of goodies! She made chocolate chip cookies with her daddy and then went to her friend Riley's house for an Easter egg hunt and dinner. She loved opening the eggs to see what was inside, money (meme!) was her favorite find. She loves to put coins in her piggy bank and give it a sweet kiss on the snout after she makes her deposit.
We had a really good morning, but really, would it be "real life" if there wasn't a small catastrophe to attend to. Cora had a little meltdown because she was ready to go and Mommy and Daddy were taking too long to get out the door ... oops (my own childhood memories came flooding back in this moment so I had to get it on film.)
Once we got out the door and on our way, all was fine. I'm afraid of the things that are going to come out of her mouth when her vocabulary expands to a place where she can verbalize her thoughts and feelings towards us (me, particularly) and the way I do things. She is very opinionated and I fear it will be a battle of wills from a very young age (no worries though, I have been prepared for her to hate me since before she was even born!) So yeah, Easter (Easer!) was good and I hope everyone enjoyed their celebrations as well.
Other than that, school is good, work is good, the weather is improving and starting to resemble Hawaiian weather and not the Pacific Northwest! The rain is on my last nerve, I'm glad to see it dissipating. Anyway, enjoy the snaps of our day and...
Happy "Easer" everyone!!